Friday, May 29, 2009

Mindy, Mindy, Mindy

With the recent rainy weather our riding has come to a (almost) halt...yeah, I admit it, I'm a fair weather trail rider. Both me and my horse loathe mud, rain, and most especially lightening (well, it's the thunder that my horse dislikes). I've been trying to take advantage of it and spend some time in the studio finishing some projects, mostly paint jobs that I basecoated in oils and had set aside to thoroughly dry. Last fall I started a Mindy as a portrait of my real horse Mindy. As is the case with me and pintos, it seemed like a good idea at first and then became a lot of work. I am notoriously slow at all my artistic endeavors, even tiny little mini resins in pinto. She ended up being a semi-portrait, as my real Mindy's facial marking just looked weird on the model. Finally she is complete (yay!):

Her hooves are of note as they are black hooves on a tobiano pinto. This is possible because of the extreme ermine spots. My filly has hooves and markings just like this.

Speaking of Mindy, Todd has started working with her. She has been infrequently handled as we have a 4 year old colt that has been taking up most of Todd's horse training time. She is 3 and a bit on the small side, so he won't start riding her until next year. She's a friendly, pretty little thing and so so smart! For now her training includes mostly desensitizing and lungeing. Here are a few videos of Todd introducing a plastic bag (have your sound turned up since Todd's commentary is so darn cute!)

1 comment:

Liesl said...

Thats funny you should mention the black feet-- my draftie cross mare is tobiano with black feet as well due to her ermine spots. I wonder if its more common in particular breeds or types?