Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Little Lonestar coming soon!

Coming soon...."Little" Lonestar! Finally, a mini version of the ever-popular stockhorse gelding Lonestar. The traditional scale version was scanned by the latest in digital technology, then 3D printed in stablemate scale. The 3D print is done in a brittle gray resin, so we molded it and cast up a copy in the white urethane we use for everything, Smooth Cast 300. I then spent weeks sanding off the 'steps' that are left behind from the printing process, along with refining the print and adding more definition to the musculature. "Little Lonestar" will be available soon, sales information will be made available to members of my announcement list first


Piper said...

Silly question.. where can I get the traditional size lonestar?

Xebeche said...

The traditional Lonestar has long been sold out. Sometimes they come up for sale, keep an eye on MH$P or eBay.

Anonymous said...

put me on the list! can you blow up er make larger working girl!