Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Work on the new mini "Tiny" continues, and today he was allowed to play with his pal Doodlebug:

I'm guesstimating it will be two weeks before he is ready to sell.  He still needs veins, some more wrinkles, and other small details added, plus the production mold has to be sorted out. I'd like to cast him as one piece, since his big drafty legs are sturdy and it would be so much easier to not have to fit each casting to the base. He will have steel reinforced back legs just in case. Doodlebug's skinny legs could never have handled that!

The third mustang in my series is mostly finished and I've started a fourth. I've got this wild hair to do 12 of them and have a 2014 calendar. 

This little guy is titled as the BLM described him "#1861 - 1 yr old sorrel gelding, captured August 2011, from Heath Creek HMA, Oregon":

Here is the fourth, a work in progress, a saddle trained horse from a prison work program:



Kim A. said...

I am TOTALLY excited for the new little guy!! I am going to get at least 2!! :D LOVE HIM!!

BeckyH said...

Tiny looks great! An exciting litle guy.

What great paintings! Are you using pastels to paint these?

Creations By Mit said...

Looking forward to ordering that energetic little guy & getting my pastels on him! I can see him in so many colors! The paintings are just gorgeous! You have captured their spirits for sure!

Xebeche said...

Thanks so much! Becky, I am using pastels for the paintings. I have some pastel pencils, NuPastels, and for the soft pastels I have Unisons, Sennelier, Mount Vision, and a few Terry Ludwigs.