Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Shop on Break

The casting shop is on break for a bit while we get some much needed projects done around the place. The casting is never ending, so we had to just pick a place on the shipping list and say that after those were shipped Todd would take some time to do other things. Sorry for any inconvenience this is causing anyone! 

As most of you know I am a wheelchair user, and not having an accessible bathroom was getting ridiculous. During a short break in January Todd demo'd the old bathroom, and there it sat for months, the 'bathroom hole'. We have a second, much uglier and not accessible bathroom that we are using, and I will be SO glad when I don't have to go in there anymore. 

The old bathroom, a thing of beauty:

Demo Day (too bad you can't hear my gleeful laughter):

To the left is our bedroom closet, which graciously donated 6" to make the bathroom wide enough for a wheelchair:

Hideous old bathroom BUH BYE!

Bender releases a chipmunk into the wall, never to be seen again. Thank you Bender :)

Window installing day:

Since then a bunch of stuff has happened that I either forgot to take photos of, or it was stuff that just doesn't lend itself to interesting photos. I forgot to take photos when Todd built the new wall and put the closet back together. You can't even tell it used to be wider, it just looks like a normal closet now. He  has put a lot of time into research and acquiring all the new bathroom fixtures and hardware. The bathtub plumbing is done and tested. He just came out and said dry walling is going to be happening for a few days. Here is a photo from yesterday:

So, this is why nothing has been shipped for a few weeks, and won't be for a few weeks more, possibly longer. It always sems like these kinds of things take a lot longer than you think, especially when you haven't done them before. Todd is having fun with it, though! I am very excited about it, and looking forward to being able to easily get my chair in there and even be able to turn around, no more scraped knuckles and tramatized door frames :)