I sculpted the bones on the leg wires first, and then inserted them into the body. Pins were placed at key points so they wouldn't get 'lost' as the sculpting proceeded:

Currently he/her looks like this:

I must say I am quite pleased with how this sculpture is coming along. Saddlebreds are such amazingly gorgeous horses it's a wonder I haven't sculpted one before! This horse is going to be a fun project.
Sarah, s/he is gorgeous!!! So flowy and perfect and PERT! I love him/her!
Oooh, he's nice! And I love, love, love that he's in a non-stereotypical ASB pose.
Well done!
Sarah, your ASB is coming out so lovely. It amazes me how quickly and accurately you sculpt! Can't wait to see the finished product!
Wow, I am so impressed with how quickly this has progressed! I really, really like the pose and I would be able to tell it's a Saddlebred right of the bat, even if I didn't know that already. And the canter is such a flexible gait, I can already see this resin doing so many things once it's completed.
I really enjoy seeing how a concept becomes reality-- especially how you start with the skeletal anatomy 1st then fill in the muscle mass. The variability in anatomical structure is what makes a breed a breed... and you capture the anatomy so well. Kudos.
Wonderful. I love the pose and I'm so excited you're doing an ASB. HOORAY! It's so nice to see anatomically correct model horses.
However, as an owner, exhibitor and breeder of ASBs in RL (since 1965), I have to say I'm disappointed with the head and eye - as currently scupted this wouldn't be considered a desirable head for the breed. It looks a bit coarse in these photos, especially between jaw and muzzle, and the eye is a little small. The breed type has moved rather far from this sort of looking animal in the last 30 years and refinement is more the norm.
I understand the process a sculpture goes through from clay to finished resin and that this is still a work in progress. But I'd personally be happier with a head truer to what I see in show rings day, something closer to breed standard.
I look forward to seeing the finished sculpture.
I'm really liking the progress of your ASB. He'll be fun to play with in performance and will be a little different in the halter classes.
But as an ASB person myself I agree with Rackon. The first thing I noticed was the course head and something is not right about the neck. I think it might be too short and too thick. Pleasure ASB's are still refined looking.
I think if you fix the head like Racon described and fix the neck you'll have a thumbs up from ASB people!
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