One of my favorite ruins in Arch Canyon, high up on a cliff (we call it "The Turkey Pen):
Todd showing off my birthday find with an unimpressed, worried mount observing:

Todd and our friend Wendy on the slickrock above Butler Wash:
When we returned I sat down to 'whip out a sm scale saddle'. Little did I know that making a 1/32 scale saddle is very difficult and frustrating. It didn't turn out exactly how I wanted, with some proportion and scale issues, but it's ok for my first (and probably last!) attempt and such tiny tack:

That's my newest resin release "Working Girl", a sm scale Quarter Horse mare. She's available now, all her sales info is on the website at
Well, a friend just called to forwarn me of an impending storm coming my way, and I love to watch them, so off I go.......